Dont take anything for granted! Be thankful

January 28, 2012

Living life is not pleasing somebody in our life.
Living life is not to impress anyone.
Living life is an opportunity to love everyone around you.
Love is not some business which is done between a boy and a girl. Yes, I don't want to mean anything which is exchanged on Feb 14. That is a different aspect. If you are deeply in love, there is no need for anything in your life. You can just sit on your cushion for rest of your life not wandering for silly things in life. You have to become love. In your life, when love takes a bigger dimension, everything seems to be very small. You don't want to mind for whether you are in success or in failure. Just be a life in this existence.
In last two years, I have been around loving and caring friends. I am fortunate enough to have all good things. Now don't ask questions to me like.
Did you get offers from google?
Or Do you have flat on your name?
I don't have either thing. I have happiness in my life. Right now, my state of mind is very simple.
I don't want to please anyone in my life. Just I want to live MY life. Just the way I am.
Here I have to show my gratitude to my dear friends.
I am doing great because of all your love and care. I am fortunate and privileged to be with you all. Thanks for this.
Special thanks to my cubicle mates
Ela, Maha, Preeni.
Lunch groups
Jk, Gowtham, KB
Our room
Hanu, Shridhar, KB
EE floor
Work takes the major part of life. When you are able to set this pie of your life happy, then you have managed major part. My whole domain E team which makes everyday fabulous and exciting.
When one needs to climb bigger heights using ladder, person who is holding the ladder should hold you very strongly. If this hasn't been taken care, you need to be in constant trouble. A person who is holding your ladder is similar to your family. To reach bigger heights in life, your family should be filled with love and love only. I am happy even in this.
This is not blowing my own trumpet. It is my gratitude towards life. Don't take anything for granted.