Three things to do on World Environment Day

June 5, 2012

Today, we are celebrating World Environment day. It means nothing to most of us who have stuck in our lives. We are too busy to pay attention for our mother nature. There is no point in blaming each one of us, because most of the time we dont know what we are doing. :( These directions has to be given from top leadership. When top leaders of this country has no sense of thinking about nature, we are really digging our own graveyard.

Okay. I have listed down just three simple common man task for this day.

1. Take a deep breathe and enjoy the nature around you. Mere a moment of gratitude to this nature can do many things within you. It would make you more of a human than a cog in a machine.

2. You can sponsor a tree saplings. Many NGOs are doing this. Merely by supporting them with funds can allow them to go extra mile in planting saplings.

Isha's Project Green Hands is doing a fabulous job in planting saplings. Please visit this site for more information Just by spending Rs 50 you can sponsor a tree. Think it off how many trees we could sponsor in a months time. It is as simple as that.

3. There are many such environment activist who have dedicated their lives for this cause. Just sending them a tweet or mail would make them to go for another milestone.

All the above things would bring out more human within you. Live a fantabulous human life with sense of nature around and within yourself. Thanks for reading this. Now just take a small step towards it.