Hi There!

February 14, 2015

It has been really long time since I write on the blog.
Many new accomplishments, family events, stuff, dreams have come into my life in last year. And, I am looking forward to big dreams to come true in 2015. I just don't know why didn't I write here in this eventful year.

Let me take this time to look back in the last year.

We purchased a house in the way we like it. :-) This has been our wish and took a lot of endeavors to follow through this.

Hackathon winners: Identified as the meritorious winners in 2014 as well. This brings a lot of delight and gladness as we found our name again just like in the year 2013.

Goa Vacation: Much anticipated vacation with my cool pals. Scream and shout 'GOA'. Needless to say about my itch towards the beaches. Ran, took a bath, ate in the beach to imbibe prettiness and keep those memories alive all through my life.

Ela's Marriage: Attended the Ela's marriage whom I always look upon in my life. Experienced first hand on Chennai people's friendship and more on the city. It simply rocks! Also, Terrific ride at ECR. (heart is asking for more)

Will add whenever I remember the cool things