
February 29, 2020

When situations are uncertain in life, then our lives are moving in the never been before terrain. From one point to other points with multiple paths and each path can shape future reality and situations with different meaning and color. We have all read that best way to predict the future is by creating one. We can't predict what lies ahead of now. If I know what is going to happen in every day of my future life now, I would better die now thinking what is the point in living this life. Beauty of our lives is that future coming one day at a time and which makes life a beautiful journey on its own. Every unique moment holds surprise and puts our mind and perception to accept the reality. When we accept our reality, even the simplest of life aspects is more colorful and profound. Few **maxims** for me to navigate this unknown terrain. * ***I can't predict the future and No one can predict the future*** * ***Accept the uncertainty and everything in life is that way***